Evaluation & Research

To help evaluate our services, we routinely seek feedback from service users and their networks via interviews and questionnaires. The feedback is used to help frame recommendations for the development of our services.  The flexibility of our organisation enables us to continually consider and implement service improvements in ways that are young person centred.

In 2006, G-map carried out a recidivist study based on a sample of 120 young people who had received an intervention from G-map for their sexual behaviour. The follow-up period for this study was between 2 and 15 years. The study showed that 92.5% of the young people who received a G-map intervention did not, according to the Police National Computer, commit a subsequent sexual offence.  To put this figure into context, Gerhold, Browne and Beckett (2007) completed a systematic review of adolescent sexual recidivism following intervention for sexually problematic behaviours. They found, based on 12 studies containing a total of 1315 juvenile sexual abusers, that the mean base rate for adolescent sexual recidivism was 14%. These studies had a follow-up period of between 1 and 10 years.

G-map has been involved in research related to young people with sexually harmful behaviours in the areas of:

Research where G-map has been the forerunner includes:

Currently our research priorities focus on:

Please contact us for more information or to discuss how you could contribute to our research projects.

Helen Griffin
Head of Research and Senior Practitioner